Please submit your Senior photo for the Yearbook by March 31st
Please submit your photo electronically (minimum size 2.5" x 3.5" at 300 dpi). You can send us the full size photo and we can take care of the sizing. When our final layout is complete, the pictures may be cropped to other dimensions. All Senior photos are cropped with vertical orientation.
It would be great if you could have your photographer submit your Senior picture digitally. Please have your photographer submit your photos when you have them taken. Senior photos can be emailed to
We can scan a photo you submit to us, but the quality will be better if you can submit the photo in digital form.
If you do not plan to have a Senior portrait taken, please let us know. We can take a photo for you to include in the Yearbook. We want everyone in the Yearbook! If you do not submit a photo, we may use your individual photo taken in the Fall by the school portrait photographer.